Other Ways To Give

There are many ways to invest in our life-saving programs and help survivors find the safety, hope, and healing they deserve! We’d love to answer any questions and help you find the best way to contribute. Please contact Amanda Ives at (503) 243-5116 to learn more.

Don’t miss our upcoming Raphael House events, and these great options for getting involved through a business.

Become an Empowerment Partner
Empowerment Partners are there for us every month, so we can be here for survivors every day.

By joining our monthly donor program, your gifts offer us the steady (and vital) funding that ensures our life-saving services are always here for survivors. Our Empowerment Partners‘ ongoing support allows us to plan for the future, budget our resources, and continually enhance our programs in response to the changing needs of our community. They also receive regular, personalized updates from behind-the-scenes here at Raphael House. 

Your gift has the power to change lives, and every dollar makes a difference!

CLICK HERE to become an Empowerment Partner today and help us build a brighter future without domestic violence.

Host a Fundraiser

Thank you for benefiting Raphael House with your event! We’d love to help make it a success – please contact Amanda Ives at (503) 243-5116 with the details as soon as possible.

Community members have hosted house parties, turned their work gathering into a fundraiser, donated a portion of sales at their business, collected in lieu of birthday gifts, and so much more. These events provide critical funds that make our work possible, and help spread the word about our life-saving programs.

Request a Match From Your Employer

Did you know that many companies match donations made by their employees to Raphael House? If your employer offers a company match, please make your gift go further for survivors! It only takes a few minutes to get set-up (often online), and you may be able to double or even triple your contribution. Our IRS Tax Identification Number is 93-0710963.

Support a Community Benefit

Community fundraisers and benefits help make our work possible! Click here to learn about upcoming events and promotions supporting survivors at Raphael House of Portland.



Give While Shopping
  • Sign up for the Fred Meyer Community Rewards Card
  • eBay

You can help survivors at Raphael House by donating your old vehicle! We’re proud to work with Volunteers of America Oregon’s Vehicle Donation Program: Charity Connections. Simply specify Raphael House of Portland as the beneficiary of your contribution under the Charity Partner Organizations/Individual Donor Beneficiary drop-down and 50% of the proceeds will go directly toward our life-saving programs.

To make your donation, click here or contact Charity Connections at (503) 239-7944. Please note that non-running vehicles cannot be accepted.

Give In Honor or Tribute

Making a gift to Raphael House is a meaningful way to honor an individual or group, commemorate a milestone, or memorialize a loved one.

Your gift in honor or tribute supports our vital services, and we are happy to notify the honoree or their family of your generous contribution. Please provide the name and contact information of the person you would like us to notify via our online donation form, or contact Amanda Ives at (503) 243-5116. The amount of your gift will remain confidential.

IRA Charitable Rollover

The IRA Charitable Rollover permits taxpayers aged 70½ and older to make tax-free charitable gifts totaling up to $100,000 per year from traditional Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA). Your gift can be made simply by notifying your IRA plan custodian of your intent to make a current transfer to Raphael House of Portland.

For more information on how to make an IRA rollover gift, please consult your tax consultant or contact Amanda Ives at (503) 243-5116.

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