Click here to download a list of our available trainings

Costs and staffing requirements may vary. Please contact us to discuss your budget!
Public schools: Free.
Colleges and private schools: $100 per hour. Discount for 10+ presentations.
Businesses and government: $200 per hour. Hourly fee applies to training preparation, facilitation time, and number of staff needed for workshop(s).
Non-profits and community partners: Contact us to discuss rates.

Lindsey Vold at 503-243-5137 or

 “Our team engaged Raphael House to discuss safe space and how to interrupt rape culture. Their training was full of insight and led us down a path to changing internal policies and developing best practices to ensure that all of our events are safe spaces.”
– Samantha Swaim, owner of Swaim Strategies

Available Trainings

Business, Corporate, and Government

• Responding to and preventing sexual harassment
• Building an equitable, safe, and inclusive workplace culture
• Relationships, boundaries, communication, and consent in the workplace
• Identifying and responding to domestic violence, sexual assault, and sex trafficking

Our staff can also help assess your workplace and offer customized training, tools, and assistance.

Students and School Communities

• Teen dating violence: Abuse types, tactics, and dynamics
• Identifying and developing safe, equitable relationships
Consent 101: Introduction to practicing consent
• Consent 102: Overcoming barriers
• Sexual assault dynamics 101
• Sex trafficking 101: Exploitation and objectification
• How to support survivors: Resources and best practices
• V
ictim blaming and survivor barriers to leaving
• Ability-inclusive curriculum series focused on consent, boundaries, safe relationships, and resources for parents and caregivers

Adult staff working in schools

• Understanding and responding to teen dating violence
• Trauma-informed student support: Tools for staff
• Mandatory reporting, confidentiality, and working with students disclosing harm or trauma
Student rights, resources, and accountability
• Sex trafficking 101 (in-depth series also available)

Community Partners and Service Providers

• Domestic violence 101: History and root causes
• Domestic violence 102: Types, tactics, and dynamics
• A Survivor’s Journey: An experiential learning activity. Based on the real life experiences of domestic violence survivors, participants walk through scenarios and navigate barriers and resources.
• Domestic violence 101 for mental health professionals
• Understanding power and oppression (series available)
• Sex trafficking 101 Effects of domestic violence and trauma on youth
• Reproductive coercion
• Intersections between domestic violence and addiction services
• Toxic masculinity: Unpacking socially constructed gender roles
• Vicarious trauma and self-care
• Technological literacy for advocates and human service professionals

40-hour Basic Advocacy Training

Our 40-hour Basic Advocacy Training course is open to anyone looking to complete Oregon’s requirement for providing domestic violence survivor advocacy, or those interested in learning more about gender-based violence, oppression, and crisis response. Training is generally offered in spring and fall; limited number of spaces available.

Training topics include:
• Effects of trauma
• Domestic violence and youth
• Understanding oppression
• Advocacy skills and safety planning
• Intersections of domestic violence and addiction


“We are so grateful that you keep coming back to help our students understand the perspective of this vulnerable population of survivors of abuse. It’s because of your passion, vulnerability, and expertise that our students come away with greater understanding, empathy, and effectiveness in their roles.”

  – Cheryl Langford, Linfield Nursing School

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