Survivor Stories

It takes great courage and strength to ask for help. Hear from the incredible individuals and families we so proudly serve, and learn from their stories of survival.

Please note that many stories contain descriptions of physical, emotional, and sexual violence, which may be triggering to survivors and upsetting to read. Names and any identifying details have been changed to protect safety and confidentiality.


Martina’s story shows how a variety of Raphael House programs help survivors in all stages.

Read  Martina’s Story

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One phone call saved Angie’s life

“I was with my ex for 5 years. During that time he manipulated, drugged, financially devastated, neglected, strangled, and nearly killed me. The physical abuse was terrible, and the emotional damage was just as hurtful.

Although I couldn’t have known it then, the minute I first connected with Raphael House, my life was spared.

Their staff listened and provided me with endless resources, support, insight, and encouragement. With their help, I created a safety plan and left him for good. Afterwards, Raphael House connected me with their housing program, and I got into my own apartment. My advocate found me clothing for job interviews, arranged for an eye appointment and contact lenses, and enrolled me in a program that will pay for dental work to repair damage from the abuse. I’m still participating in art therapy and getting help with applying for jobs in the Advocacy Center.”



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