Survivor Stories

It takes great courage and strength to ask for help. Hear from the incredible individuals and families we so proudly serve, and learn from their stories of survival.

Please note that many stories contain descriptions of physical, emotional, and sexual violence, which may be triggering to survivors and upsetting to read. Names and any identifying details have been changed to protect safety and confidentiality.


Martina’s story shows how a variety of Raphael House programs help survivors in all stages.

Read  Martina’s Story

All Stories


Another survivor’s generosity changed everything.

When Camila fled here from out of state, she was nearly 9 months pregnant with her first child and had no family or friends for support. Like many survivors, past experiences made her guarded around our staff and other residents, and Camila was reluctant to connect.

Another resident, Phoebe, had been in our shelter with her children for a couple of months, and had recently lost a pregnancy. Though finances were extremely tight, she had been saving for her baby’s arrival. Phoebe was moved by Camila’s pending birth and purchased baby gifts for her.

This is when things changed for Camila. She began opening up to our staff and other residents and accessing the resources that Raphael House offered her growing family. Phoebe was transformed by her own generosity as well, and said it helped her move through her loss.

Today, both Camila and Phoebe live in safe housing with their families, and continue to take part in Raphael House programs.


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