Survivor Stories

It takes great courage and strength to ask for help. Hear from the incredible individuals and families we so proudly serve, and learn from their stories of survival.

Please note that many stories contain descriptions of physical, emotional, and sexual violence, which may be triggering to survivors and upsetting to read. Names and any identifying details have been changed to protect safety and confidentiality.


Martina’s story shows how a variety of Raphael House programs help survivors in all stages.

Read  Martina’s Story

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Sophie was losing hope that she’d ever be safe.

Sophie came to us for the second time after escaping an abuser, who was also her pimp. She carried debt, had a criminal record, and didn’t have any rental history – all due to his abuse. This made finding safe housing much more challenging, but our staff worked hard to help Sophie reach her goals. She attended financial empowerment and tenant education classes, and upon leaving shelter, entered our Housing Program and moved into an apartment of her own.

A year to the day after leaving shelter, Sophie wrote us this note: “Because of Raphael House, I’m able to pay my own bills and feel safe on my own. This is where I’ve always wanted to be.”


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