Survivor Stories
It takes great courage and strength to ask for help. Hear from the incredible individuals and families we so proudly serve, and learn from their stories of survival.
Please note that many stories contain descriptions of physical, emotional, and sexual violence, which may be triggering to survivors and upsetting to read. Names and any identifying details have been changed to protect safety and confidentiality.
Martina’s story shows how a variety of Raphael House programs help survivors in all stages.
Read Martina’s Story
“The impact that you’ve had on my family is something I am grateful for every day.”

“Next month makes it two years since I made that phone call that changed our lives. This anniversary seems to bring all sorts of emotions with it. My heart is so full of happiness as I think of how far we’ve come; you will all be in my heart always. The impact that you’ve had on my family is something that I am grateful for every day. Thanking you couldn’t possibly be enough, but that’s all I have for now. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”